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Annual Giving

Unrestricted funds help to maintain the opportunities that make a New Horizon education unique. They also enable the school to meet immediate, unanticipated needs. Gifts support some of the following areas:

  • Continued health and safety of our school community
  • Smaller student to teacher ratios, leading to higher student engagement and performance
  • Diverse and cohesive student culture
  • Professional faculty development opportunities
  • Expanded and improved technological innovation within the curriculum
  • Arts, athletics programs, and other extracurriculars
  • Tuition adjustment so more students can receive a New Horizon educational experience

Donate via

1. Cash, Checks, and Credit CardContributions may made by check, cash or credit card and are tax-deductible in the year the gift is made. Gifts may be made in monthly installments or through a pledge. All checks are made payable to New Horizon Irvine.

2. Gifts of Stocks & SecuritiesContribute the fair market value of appreciated securities and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock. To find out more information, please contact the development office at (949) 552-5411.

3. Gifts in KindNew Horizon welcome donations of time, goods and/or services that abide by the school’s mission and current needs. Items may include furniture, books, software’s, as well as printing and design services.

4. Planned GivingBequeaths and Trusts: Planned Giving is a gift vehicle that allows many to donate via a trust, an annuity, or, most commonly, a bequest. Including New Horizon in your will can establish a permanent family legacy and provide tax benefits, a life income benefit, or other favorable estate arrangements. Your own tax advisor, attorney, or estate planning professional can help you determine the best way for you to make such a gift to our school.

5. Matching Corporate GiftsMany companies offer matching gift programs that allow employees to double or triple their contributions to nonprofit organizations. Please use the search box below or check directly with your employer.