New Horizon School, Irvine has been named as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School by Franklin Covey Co. This recognition comes because the school has achieved outstanding results in school and student outcomes, by implementing The Leader in Me process with fidelity. It is also because of the extraordinary impact the school is having on staff, students, parents, and the greater community.
Uzma Said, Director of Elementary, New Horizon Irvine, said, “This achievement is monumental and serves as a realization of New Horizon’s mission of developing students with a positive identity as an American Muslim who are prepared intellectually, socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically to succeed as leaders. This leadership initiative builds confidence in students to visualize themselves as leaders and develops in them the ability to have a strong voice on campus.”
Sean Covey, Education Practice Leader, Franklin Covey, said, “We are thrilled to recognize New Horizon School, Irvine as a Leader in Me Lighthouse School. Schools who achieve the Lighthouse Milestone are great examples of a strong leadership model, process, and of what it means to be a Leader in Me school. New Horizon Irvine has experienced transformational results by implementing the principles and practices related to The Leader in Me. We are so pleased to celebrate the success they are experiencing.”
The Leader in Me is a whole-school transformation model—developed in partnership with educators—that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. It is based on secular principles and practices of personal, interpersonal, and organizational effectiveness.
The Leader in Me differs from other whole-school transformation processes in that it offers a holistic, schoolwide experience for staff, students, and parents, and creates a common language and culture within the school. The leadership principles and lessons are not taught as a curriculum, but instead are incorporated into coursework, traditions, systems, and culture.
The Lighthouse Milestone is a highly regarded standard set by FranklinCovey that is attainable by every The Leader in Me school. The attainment of the Lighthouse Milestone represents a significant benchmark, and it is evidence that a high standard has been met by a school. Applying for the Lighthouse Milestone typically occurs three to five years after a school begins The Leader in Me.
Becoming a Lighthouse School is a recognition schools earn because they have produced outstanding results in school and student outcomes by implementing The Leader in Me with fidelity. Of nearly 3,000 schools who are currently utilizing the leadership program, only 325 schools around the world have received the coveted Lighthouse School recognition and only two in Orange County, California.
About New Horizon School, Irvine
New Horizon is accredited by both WASC and CAIS, is a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence and a recognized Leader in Me school. New Horizon proudly offers students a nurturing atmosphere through the Positive Discipline program. Students receive excellent academics, and a robust core curriculum in addition to daily religious studies classes such as Quran, Islamic Studies and Arabic.
New Horizon School, Irvine is committed to providing its students with an excellent academic education and firm grounding in moral and ethical values. New Horizon Irvine fosters a dedication to God through virtuous living in a progressive Islamic environment.
New Horizon School, Irvine seeks to develop in each student a positive identity as an American Muslim who is prepared intellectually, socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically to succeed as leaders in tomorrow’s world. Students are expected to integrate academic skills, Quranic principles, and ethical behavior in order to make positive contributions to the global community. The School aims to develop in each student a balanced character enriched with knowledge, inspired to excellence, and committed to the betterment of family, community and humanity.
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