New Horizon School, Irvine received approval of its K-6th grade waiver to return to in-person instruction!
“Thank you for submitting a TK-6 Elementary School Waiver application. After both local health officer and California Department of Public Health Review, your waiver request has been approved.”
Alhamdullilah, this is additional reassurance that the guidelines that New Horizon has put in place are aligned with local and state guidelines for the health and safety of our school community.
The Head of School, Directors and entire faculty are planning for an exact return date, making schedule/calendar adjustments, accommodating continued remote learning for 7th and 8th graders, and finalizing other pertinent details. As soon as these details are complete, they will be communicated to those grade levels impacted, insha Allah.
Again, thank you all, and we look forward to welcoming our 1st through 6th graders on campus soon, insha Allah.